House & Home
Robot Vacuums

The best eufy robot vacuums to do your bidding when you have far better things to do than clean your floors

The best robot vacuums from eufy are designed with a range of features to cater to every budget — these are our favorites
By Ashley Keegan  on 
All products featured here are independently selected by our editors and writers. If you buy something through links on our site, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission.

Our Top 7 Picks

eufy by Anker RoboVac X8 (opens in a new tab)

Best overall

Powerful suction and intelligent mapping combine for a comparatively great price in our top choice eufy robovac.

The Good

  • Double the power
  • Tackles pet hair
  • Laser mapping technology
  • Can clean in low light
  • Voice compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant

The Bad

  • Pet hair can be tedious to clean out of bristles
  • Not self-emptying

The Bottom Line

The eufy X8 is an all-around good choice with strong suction and intelligent mapping at a respectable mid-range price.
Pros & Cons

eufy by Anker RoboVac X8 Hybrid (opens in a new tab)

Best with a mop

The already awesome eufy X8 gets a boost of productivity when combined with mopping capabilities in this hybrid model.

The Good

  • Powerful suction
  • Generous water tank for mopping
  • Laser mapping technology
  • Includes washable and disposable mopping cloths
  • Voice compatible with Alexa and Google Home

The Bad

  • Too tall to go under a lot of furniture
  • Needs to be emptied manually

The Bottom Line

This eufy X8 hybrid takes everything we love about the original and maximizes its cleaning capabilities with a simple, but efficient mopping function.
Pros & Cons

eufy by Anker RoboVac G30 Hybrid (opens in a new tab)

Best hybrid without smart mapping

An affordable 2-in-1 robot vacuum cleaner with good-enough features, the RoboVac G30 Hybrid is a fine choice as long as you're okay with a little babysitting.

The Good

  • Slim body
  • Quiet operation
  • Vacuum and mop in one
  • Remote app control
  • Affordable hybrid

The Bad

  • No laser mapping navigation
  • Has a tendency to get itself stuck

The Bottom Line

More affordable than the eufy X8 Hybrid, the RoboVac G30 Hybrid offers comparable performance as long as you’re willing to compromise on a couple of bells and whistles.
Pros & Cons

eufy RoboVac L35 Hybrid+ (opens in a new tab)

Best for all the features

The eufy L35 Hybrid+ does not skimp on top-notch features, but you should expect to pay a premium for all that luxury.

The Good

  • Hands-free auto-emptying
  • Most powerful suction
  • Precise laser navigation
  • Multi-floor mapping and virtual boundaries
  • Voice control via Alexa and Google Assistant

The Bad

  • Expensive
  • Shorter runtime than some other options

The Bottom Line

If you're willing to treat yourself to a little splurge, eufy's L35 Hybrid+ is a tricked-out beast with all the best features.
Pros & Cons

eufy Clean by Anker Clean G40 Hybrid+ (opens in a new tab)

Most affordable with auto-empty

If you don't mind forfeiting smart mapping technology, the Clean G40 Hybrid+ is a relatively affordable vacuum and mop combo with the luxe convenience of auto-emptying.

The Good

  • Runs quietly
  • Slim build
  • Water level control
  • Hands-free auto-emptying

The Bad

  • No smart mapping

The Bottom Line

If you have relatively uncluttered floors, you can get away with the lack of smart mapping on the Clean G40 Hybrid+ — the only glaring omission amongst an otherwise stellar lineup of top-notch features.
Pros & Cons

eufy by Anker BoostIQ RoboVac 11S MAX (opens in a new tab)

Best on a budget

The 11S MAX is a budget-minded RoboVac with just enough features at just the right price.

The Good

  • Affordable
  • Self-charging
  • Slim profile
  • Clean, white exterior

The Bad

  • No boundary-setting
  • No smart mapping

The Bottom Line

Simple but efficient features on eufy's old reliable 11S MAX make it arguably the best robot vacuum for budget-conscious shoppers.
Pros & Cons

eufy Clean by Anker RoboVac G32 Pro (opens in a new tab)

Slimmest profile

The G32 Pro is perhaps the best robot vacuum for open spaces that don't require any boundaries to be set.

The Good

  • Slim profile
  • Quiet operation
  • Logical cleaning routes
  • BoostIQ for easy surface transitions
  • Easy-to-use app

The Bad

  • No smart mapping
  • No way to set boundaries

The Bottom Line

If you're just looking for a relatively simple robot vacuum that'll get the job done well (without a lot of pomp and circumstance), the RoboVac G32 Pro is a great choice.
Pros & Cons

Let's face facts: No one really enjoys vacuuming, do they? It's pretty loud, it's kind of tedious, and even the most lightweight stick vacuums can be unwieldy and hard to maneuver around corners and underneath furniture. That said, our floors get pretty gross; they're where all the dust, dirt, and debris of our day-to-day lives land, and it all just sits there, waiting to get sucked up into oblivion whenever we finally muster the motivation to whip out the ol’ upright vacuum cleaner that's taking up way too much space in our closet.

Perhaps I'm being a bit dramatic — but if any of the above resonates with you, it's about time you upgrade to a robot vacuum. It'll eliminate all of the above annoyances, and some of them don't even require you to come into contact with a dustbin more often than every 60 days! Even better, eufy offers a varied lineup of robovacs for every budget and every floor cleaning need, so you can find the perfect one to fit your lifestyle.

What should I look for in a eufy robot vacuum?

When shopping for a robot vacuum to clean your home's floors, you'll want to consider a series of features and qualities. Depending on the depth of clean you're aiming for, the size of the space you have, and the ultimate conveniences you hope to benefit from, you will find that you have several options to suit your wants, needs, and budget, most of all.

Here are the predominant factors that you'll want to pay the most attention to as you determine the best eufy RoboVac for your home:

  • Height. If you're hoping for your robot vacuum to clean underneath your furniture (so you don't have to), you'll want to make sure you select one with a profile that's slim enough to fit in those spaces.

  • Obstacle and Drop Detection. These are pretty standard qualities to demand in a robotic vacuum, though some eufy models do it a little better than others, depending on their navigation system. But, generally speaking, your eufy RoboVac of choice will be equipped with a series of sensors to prevent it from bumping into walls and furniture, and from falling down any nearby stairs. Cheaper models, however, may get a little stuck if there's a bit too much clutter on the floor (such as power cords, for example).

  • Battery Life. Some robot vacuums in the eufy lineup can go two hours or longer without needing to be recharged, while others need a boost of juice a lot sooner. Consider the device's runtime if you'll need it to clean for extended periods (or if your cat, for example, decides they really love taking their new toy for rides around the house(opens in a new tab).)

  • BoostIQ Technology. This quality allows the robot vacuum to smoothly transition over different surfaces (i.e. hardwood floors, tiles, low- to medium-pile carpeting and area rugs, etc.) and then automatically increase suction power whenever necessary to get that particular surface as clean as possible. Even if the "Boost IQ" feature is not mentioned explicitly by name in the product description, all of eufy's RoboVac models are designed to move seamlessly from hard flooring to area rugs.

  • App Integration. Many of eufy's robot vacuums can be controlled via the brand's easy-to-use app — but not all of them. If this is of particular importance to you, make sure that you double-check that your chosen model is capable of app control. (Some can even be controlled via voice commands thanks to integration with Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices!)

  • Virtual Boundaries. Not all eufy models have this feature that often goes hand-in-hand with app integration, as the app is where you'll be able to designate "no-go zones" (like that corner of the living room with all the electrical cords) and other virtual boundaries, such as rooms you don't want the eufy to enter. 

  • Smart Mapping. This is the robot vacuum's ability to navigate your home's floors and remember the pathways it takes to ensure it doesn't miss an inch of coverage. Not all navigation systems are made equal, however, so we'll delve into those specifics in depth below. 

  • Self-Emptying. If you don't want to deal with dumping out the dusty, dirty contents of your robot vac on a daily or weekly basis, consider a model with a self-emptying base. After it cleans your floors, it'll return to the base and automatically empty the crud there. Then, you just have to empty the base once every 60 days, give or take.

  • Mop Combos. You may just be in the market for a robovac to take over the duty of manual sweeping and vacuuming — and that's perfectly respectable. However, you should know that there are some eufy RoboVac models that can also mop your floors. To be fair, you probably shouldn't expect them to do any legitimate scrubbing like some other brands' mop combos (the Roborock S7 and iRobot Braava Jets come to mind), but they definitely add another level of cleanliness to your floors, especially if you tend to make a mess in the kitchen or if you live in an environment where you track in a bit of muck from the outdoors.

How does eufy navigate?

Aside from the aforementioned factors, you'll also want to consider the fact that the eufy lineup of robot vacuums encompasses models with three different types of navigation:

  • iPath™ Laser Navigation: The most sophisticated navigation in eufy's top-tier RoboVacs, it utilizes advanced LiDAR technology and a Z-shaped cleaning route for the most efficient cleaning. It accurately scans your home and builds a virtual map (aka "smart mapping") that it remembers and references every time it cleans. (Bonus: Multiple floor maps can be learned and intelligently recognized so you can utilize one eufy across your whole home.) This smart mapping feature can be found on models like the eufy Clean L35 Hybrid+, and the RoboVac X8 and X8 Hybrid.

  • Smart Dynamic Navigation: Not quite as sophisticated as the iPath laser nav, Smart Dynamic navigation is still pretty impressive thanks to its gyroscope and accelerometer smart sensors. It utilizes logical route planning — a step up from the random paths of the "bounce" technology explained below — and ultimately covers your entire space with thorough cleaning power. It doesn't really store this information for the future (like iPath does), but it's an efficient and more affordable navigation system that can be found on models like the G30 Hybrid and G40 Hybrid+.

  • Bounce Series: These RoboVacs are the least intelligent when it comes to navigation, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. They may not be built with sophisticated mapping capabilities, but they can still get the job done by "bouncing" away from detected obstacles (i.e. walls, furniture or intentional boundaries you've created to keep it from entering rooms where it may get stuck or lost). The results may not be perfect — and this type of RoboVac may not be the brightest crayon in the box — but it's still better than having to vacuum by hand. This series includes budget-friendly eufy models like the RoboVac 11S MAX.

How does eufy compare to Roomba and Shark?

Naturally, eufy is not the only robot vacuum cleaner on the block. The Roomba by iRobot literally gave this cleaning innovation its name when it first launched around the turn of the century. Back then — and even now — we often refer to all robot vacuums as "roombas" regardless of their make and model (comparable to the way that we tend to refer to tissues of all brands as "Kleenex" and all copy machines as "Xerox"). The robot vacuum market is also partially dominated by Shark, the household appliance giant behind a selection of their own innovative robovacs.

So how does the eufy RoboVac lineup compare to those of iRobot Roomba and Shark? When it comes to size, eufy offers some of the slimmest options in terms of both height and self-emptying stations, where applicable. Its models tend to also be better designed for smaller spaces with fewer people. This is partly because that's what eufy's mid-range power and brush technology can handle, and also partly because the eufy is quieter than its competitors so it won't be as audibly disruptive in a smaller home. That said, eufy’s entire range tends to be pretty impressive when it comes to picking up pet hair, so dog and cat owners should take note.

When it comes to budget, Shark, iRobot, and eufy each boast a range of models to cater to different price points. However, eufy's lineup generally delivers the most affordable robot vacuums of the trio, and they tend to go on sale fairly often as well.

Best overall
  • Battery life: 208 minutes
  • Height: 3.8 inches
  • Smart room mapping: Yes
  • Virtual boundaries: Yes
  • Self-empty station capacity: N/A

The clear favorite in the race for best eufy robovac is this X8 model. It boasts twin-turbine technology that delivers impressive suction power with up to 80% more airflow to whip up more dust and debris into its dust box. Once inside, all that debris is packed tightly to maximize space and reduce the number of times you need to empty it. The eufy X8 is also touted as a magnet for pet hair, which is (as any pet owner knows) notoriously stubborn to lift from carpeting and hard floors. But perhaps best of all, the X8 features real-time multi-floor mapping, customizable zone cleaning, virtual boundaries for "no go" zones, spot cleaning, and more — and you can control it all remotely via the eufy app.

Best with a mop
  • Battery Life: 180 minutes
  • Height: 3.85 inches
  • Smart room mapping: Yes
  • Virtual boundaries: Yes
  • Self-empty station capacity: N/A

Having a little machine vacuum up all the debris on your floors is cool and all — and the eufy X8 is perfectly capable of that — but what if it could also mop up all the crud on your hard floors too? This jacked-up hybrid version of the already impressive X8 is able to do just that. Like its vacuum-only sibling, it boasts twin turbines for double the powerful suction as well as intelligent mapping for multiple floors and customizable zones. The only real difference in this version is the dual functionality for both vacuuming and mopping at the same time, and it has an extra-large, 250-milliliter water tank to help get the latter job done just as efficiently as the former.

Best hybrid without smart mapping
  • Battery life: 100 minutes
  • Height: 2.8 inches
  • Smart room mapping: No
  • Virtual boundaries: No
  • Self-empty station capacity: N/A

Read our full review of the eufy RoboVac G30 Hybrid here.

A more budget-friendly hybrid than the X8, the eufy G30 Hybrid offers the same great suction power via one turbine instead of two, and equally convenient mopping action to get your hard floors that much cleaner. It does not have laser mapping technology like the X8 models, but it moves around in a Z-shaped path to ensure that it covers every inch it can access. (It also has a slimmer body so it can fit better underneath obstacles — though rooms with a lot of stuff might find the little guy getting stuck on cords or even lost under furniture.) It also has nine anti-collision sensors to avoid obstacles, and drop-sensing technology to prevent accidental tumbles. Plus, when the battery is low, it will automatically return to its charging base to juice up to 80% before it continues its mission to clean your floors.

Best for all the features
  • Battery life: 145 minutes
  • Height: 3.9 inches
  • Smart room mapping: Yes
  • Virtual boundaries: Yes
  • Self-empty station capacity: 60 days

When comparing the L35 Hybrid+ with the aforementioned eufy X8 Hybrid, it's easy to see the similarities: ultra-strong suction, laser navigation and smart mapping for multiple floors, app control with custom preferences and no-go zones, and more. However, with a 200-milliliter capacity, the water tank on the L35 Hybrid+ isn't quite as large as the RoboVac X8 Hybrid — nor is its runtime quite as long, for that matter — but it makes up for those relatively minor deficits with the convenience of its auto-empty station. This allows for a truly hands-free cleaning experience as the contents of the robot vacuum get sucked into an antibacterial and deodorizing dust bag that can be used for up to 60 days before it needs to be replaced. This convenience, of course, does bump up the price, making this one of eufy's most expensive robot vacuums to date.

Most affordable with auto-empty
  • Battery life: 100 minutes
  • Height: 2.87 inches
  • Smart room mapping: No
  • Virtual boundaries: No
  • Self-empty station capacity: 60 days

If you're looking for an auto-emptying option that doesn't hit the wallet quite as hard, look no further than the eufy Clean G40 Hybrid+. This robovac does not have smart mapping, but it does offer mopping capabilities for about $30 more than its non-hybrid version, so you might as well go for the upgrade. Plus, it has an ultra-slim design that allows it to slip more easily under furniture — which is one thing the aforementioned feature-packed L35 Hybrid+ cannot say for itself. But perhaps best of all, the eufy Clean G40 Hybrid+ recharges itself at its charging station when its battery gets low, then resumes cleaning where it left off. That station is also where it efficiently transfers its dusty, musty contents into a triple-filtered, auto-locking dust bag to keep your home (and your hands) clean.

Best on a budget
  • Battery life: 100 minutes
  • Height: 2.85 inches
  • Smart room mapping: No
  • Virtual boundaries: No
  • Self-empty station capacity: N/A

It may not be particularly flashy — especially when compared to its smart-mapping, feature-packed cousins — but the 11s MAX is still a solid, highly respectable choice for budget-minded consumers. It has a thin profile to fit under furniture; it runs quietly so you can go about your day undisturbed; it has BoostIQ to move seamlessly from hard floors to carpeting and back again; and it's even smart enough to know when it's time to head "home" and charge itself on its little dock. Overall, it has everything you can reasonably ask of a competent robot vacuum cleaner in this price range, and then some. Also, it's one of the only eufy RoboVacs that comes with a white exterior, so that's a bonus if you're into that bright-and-clean aesthetic.

Slimmest profile
  • Battery life: Not advertised
  • Height: 2.85 inches
  • Smart room mapping: No
  • Virtual boundaries: No
  • Self-empty station capacity: N/A

Though other eufy models share a similarly low height to help the RoboVac access spaces many others can't reach, this particular robot vacuum earns its spot on our list by being one of the more affordable slim-profile options. It covers all the basics that you'd expect from a robot vacuum (anti-collision sensors, drop-proof technology, app control and, of course, powerful suction) plus a dual noise-reduction duct that delivers a quiet clean. It does not have smart mapping, but it does take a calculated and efficient route around your floors — which is a step up from the "bounce" style of robovacs in the past, whose random, spotty coverage was more reminiscent of the classic video game "Pong."

More in Robot Vacuums

How we tested

How we chose

While we haven't had the pleasure of conducting hands-on testing with all of these eufy robot vacuum cleaners, we did consult with our very own Mashable vacuum expert — Shopping Reporter Leah Stodart — for some of her top recommendations. From there, we put forth hours of research to flesh out our list, carefully determining the eufy models with the best customer reviews and ensuring that there were plenty of options to suit a variety of consumer needs. To do this, we took several factors into consideration, including:

  • Function. Naturally, we included robot vacuums that do precisely what their name implies: vacuum. However, we also included mop combos for those customers who would like to have more cleaning options.

  • Smart Features. Robot vacuums are pretty smart as is, but some integrate phenomenal home mapping capabilities, customizable virtual boundaries, smartphone app integration, and plenty of other high-tech features that can be really helpful. However, some consumers may view them as a bit frivolous for their preferences, so we made sure to include the best eufy robot vacuums with and without these features.

  • Budget. We would be remiss if we didn't include the top-tier eufy RoboVac models with all the latest and greatest features, but we also made sure to include more budget-friendly models for those who don't need to splurge on every bell and whistle.

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Ashley Keegan

Ashley Keegan is a freelance contributor to Mashable.

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