
The best treadmills to upgrade your home gym

For runners who hate going to the gym, this workout staple can't be beat.
By Leah Stodart and Jae Thomas  on 
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Our Top 5 Picks

NordicTrack Commercial 2950 (opens in a new tab)

Best For Immersive Runs

Breathe new life into the same old runs with a 15% incline challenge and training on a huge screen.

The Good

  • 22-inch touchscreen is glorious
  • 15% incline for muscle building and calorie burning
  • One of the most powerful motors we've seen
  • Fans actually work well

The Bad

  • Expensive for no Bluetooth support

The Bottom Line

A steeper incline and more powerful motor than competitors make it easy to challenge yourself.
Pros & Cons

Bowflex 10 (opens in a new tab)

Best For Watching Tv While Running

Forget the iPad — Bowflex's newest powerhouse has a 10-inch screen with built-in streaming apps.

The Good

  • Bowflex JRNY system adapts as you get fitter
  • Doesn't shake, even at max speed
  • Spacious running path for big strides
  • SoftDrop hands-free folding system
  • Streaming apps directly available on screen
  • 15% incline

The Bad

  • App and system updates are glitchy
  • JRNY free trial is only two months

The Bottom Line

A superb balance of power, durability, and distraction in the form of built-in Disney+ and Netflix.
Pros & Cons

Proform Carbon T7 (opens in a new tab)

Best Under $1,000

This low-maintenance option isn't meant for heavy workouts, but it has a straightforward screen with large numbers.

The Good

  • Foldable
  • 7-inch touchscreen
  • Includes one year of iFit Family

The Bad

  • Small running track
  • Motor isn't powerful enough for high-intensity runs

The Bottom Line

Casual runners have a real steal here, especially those who want that interactive screen.
Pros & Cons

Sunny Health and Fitness Asuna Treadmill (opens in a new tab)

Best Small-space Treadmill

Squeeze a cardio routine into a shoebox apartment with this well-reviewed under-bed design.

The Good

  • Folds to around five inches deep
  • Can fit behind a door or under the bed
  • Tablet stand and built-in speakers
  • 8 MPH is a decent max speed for the size

The Bad

  • No incline control
  • Reports of platform cracking after ~one year of heavy use
  • No entertainment-ready screen
  • Not equipped for large strides

The Bottom Line

Space-saving treadmills are expectedly flimsier than most, but this one has decent power.
Pros & Cons

Peloton Tread (opens in a new tab)

Best For Motivating Workouts

The Peloton Tread will keep you motivated to run, thanks to upbeat instructors, an intuitive design, and improved safety features.

The Good

  • Access to Peloton's hype live and on-demand classes
  • New, upgraded safety features
  • Sleek design
  • Giant monitor

The Bad

  • Separate $39/month all-access membership required
  • Warranty isn't great

The Bottom Line

If you need a little extra motivation to run, Peloton's sleek treadmill and team of all-star instructors will get you pumped for your daily cardio.
Pros & Cons

Between never-ending seasonal allergies, an ongoing pandemic, and weather that always seems to be either too hot or too cold, going out for a run or heading the gym isn't the most appealing thing to do every day. Home treadmills are a godsend for this exact reason. They're a sweet, sweet solution for the days when it's too gross, hot, or swampy to run outside, or the days when you don't feel like brawling over a machine at the gym.

The pandemic brought a whole new meaning to shared exercise equipment and shared workout spaces. In Normal Times, existing in the sweat cloud of strangers was merely gross — but in Coronavirus Times, it could actually be dangerous. With gyms at limited capacities and certain machines blocked off to keep the distance, a quick cardio workout stopped being quick.

If your New Year's resolution for 2022 involves getting more steps in, training for a marathon, or just getting more active without having to leave the house, we've rounded up the best treadmills on the market now. Read on for the guidance you need to make an informed home gym purchase.

What to look for when buying a treadmill

(For nitty-gritty shopping guidance on ideal treadmill motor and incline, scroll all the way down.)

Space will constrain a lot. A treadmill's listing should offer weight capacity and dimensions — take the latter into consideration for your own body as well as the amount of actual space that it takes up on the floor. Shoppers looking for a small-space treadmill have foldable options to cut down the footprint in storage. Some fold like a "V" and some can fold completely flat to roll under a bed.

Another household-related thing to keep in mind is who's using it. Is it for solo use, for you and your partner, or a whole family, maybe? Gym Source recommends shopping for the most extreme situation — i.e. buying the treadmill that accommodates the person with the widest build. Belt size and belt length come into play here: Belts should be between 18 to 22 inches wide, and opting for the larger end makes sense for beginners who can't keep the center line or have gait issues. Belts should hit at least 48 inches long, though anyone over six feet tall should bump that to 54 inches for running(opens in a new tab).

Materials matter. High-end treadmills are expensive because they're built to last(opens in a new tab). Granted, a steel frame is the standard for most, regardless of price — it's under the hood where things get questionable. $400 treadmills might trade in metal gears for plastic ones that wear down easily or struggle to power the incline. Faulty wiring or tech that fails to adjust the resistance in each step can lead to a less-than-productive run. These factors are less of an issue if the treadmill will only be used for walking or very sporadic workouts.

How important is shock absorption in a treadmill?

Home treadmills of the past were often associated with a cacophony of a rattling frame, thumping belt, and the general clamor of a machine that's about to fall apart, but modern treadmills have seriously evolved. While new treadmill models are generally built with sturdier materials and design than those of old, shock absorption is also abundant now. Shock absorption is huge for downing the noise of your treadmill and reducing the impact and strain on your joints, but models with heavy duty shock absorbing systems might require more frequent maintenance. On the other hand, smaller treadmills without shock absorption, a restrictive weight limit, and feebler low-end running decks can't contain motion as well and are bound to rock or squeak.

Shock absorption(opens in a new tab) is achieved with a few different tactics. Some use marshmallow-y rubber grommets under the surface to buffer footfall without interfering with push-off. Bowflex has engineered its own five-cell Comfort Tech deck cushioning system while NordicTrack and Proform spring you into the next step with cushions that foster energy return. Better cushioning also works to take some of the burden off your knees and joints. (NordicTrack's force dampeners can even be turned off depending on how hard or soft you prefer your surface.)

Treadmill mats are also a popular impact-absorbing accessory, utilizing rubber's bouncy properties to soften the blow underneath a wobbly machine.

Does a treadmill warranty matter?

In short, yes. According to NordicTrack,(opens in a new tab) treadmills usually require the most maintenance over their lifetimes in comparison to other home gym machines. That means that a good warranty is a must. Because of how expensive treadmills are nowadays, you'll want to protect your purchase by choosing one with a solid warranty. The best treadmill warranties usually cover the frame for 10 to 15 years, parts for one to five years, and labor for one to two years. At the bare minimum, pick a model with a warranty that covers everything for at least a year, so if you have any issues, you won't run into even more financial costs.

What's a good treadmill motor?

A motor with at least 1.5 continuous-duty horsepower (CHP) will be needed to keep up with relatively regular use, but most nice models will hit between 2.5 to 3.5 CHP. (The user's weight will also help determine how powerful of a motor is necessary.) Motor energy can be measured in a few different ways, but continuous duty is the spec that matters most for treadmills. Continuous duty horsepower represents how much power is maintained throughout the workout (compared to say, peak horsepower, which represents the very max that the treadmill can hit but probably not maintain).

A powerful motor won't determine speed as in how fast the belt can move, but the best motor for you will be dependent on how fast you're trying to go: Walkers will be fine with 2.0 CHP, while 2.5 or 3.0 CHP would be better for jogging and running, respectively. High-intensity, large-bodied people might go with 3.5 CHP just to be safe.

What about a good incline?

Walking uphill sucks universally. Compared to toppling downhill with the force of gravity on your side, an incline forces you to lift your body weight against gravity, recruiting help from calf muscles, hamstrings, and glutes. If you're looking to do more than get those steps in for the day — like build leg muscle and burn extra calories — look for a treadmill that can rise to a 15% incline rather than the traditional 10% to 12% max. Incline training machines dedicated to an angled workout also exist and can reach a 40% incline. A 2% to 5% decline is a nice bonus, too.

Live and pre-programmed workouts might be *the* deciding factor

Barring the select few who can deal with bird chirps as their marathon soundtrack, people who *like* running will probably even admit that it's an activity best done with distraction. Music suffices for many, but indoors especially, having an on-screen workout to focus on often helps to push through the pain. Pre-programmed workouts can be as simple as automatic speeding up or slowing down of the belt in waves to meet targets like calorie-burning or distance training.

But for the Pelotons and NordicTracks of the world, the screens are getting bigger and the control panels are getting smaller. This is where you'll access on-screen outdoor runs with gorgeous views or streams of live training from instructors who know how to pump people up. (Like a ClassPass session but without the paranoia of visible sweat stains.) Users can choose a workout by skill level and time. Subscriptions like iFit offer categories past traditional jogging: Choose a run that incorporates weights or take a break from high-intensity and be guided through an on-screen yoga session instead.

Most models have some sort of platform to hold a phone or a tablet if you want more stimulating entertainment, and none of this matters much if there's a TV in the room. Access to streaming services on media-based treadmills is still somewhat rare (without doing the next best thing to jailbreaking and voiding your warranty), but some newer Bowflex models do play nicely with Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and more.

Here are the best treadmills for home use in 2022:

Best For Immersive Runs
Credit: mashable photo composite
  • Motor: 3.6 CHP
  • Incline: -3% to 15%
  • Belt size: 22" W x 60" L
  • Display: 22-inch touchscreen
  • On-screen workouts: Over 17,000 live indoor and outdoor workouts with iFit, plus custom maps with Google Maps
  • Shock absorption: Yes
  • Warranty: 10 years frame, two years parts, one year labor

The 22-inch touchscreen display on this bad boy looks damn good displaying interactive iFit workouts (you'll get a 30-day free trial as an added bonus). The screen can be tilted to fit your workout and is large enough to view iFit yoga, pilates, and more routines from the floor.

This treadmill features a beefy 15% incline, a -3% decline, an almost-overkill 3.6 CHP motor, automatic trainer control, and a folding design. All these features make it the easy choice over NordicTrack's other options for HIIT or bulking enthusiasts.

Best For Watching Tv While Running
Credit: mashable photo composite
  • Motor: 3 CHP
  • Incline: 15%
  • Belt size: 22" W x 60"
  • Display: 10-inch touchscreen
  • On-screen workouts: Live classes with Bowflex JRNY subscription and 25 outdoor hiking and running destinations
  • Shock absorption: Yes
  • Warranty: 15 years frame and motor, five years parts, one year electronics, two years labor

Your friends who ran cross country in high school may not agree, but running can be straight up boring. The Bowflex 10, named after its 10-inch touchscreen monitor, is one of the only modern treadmills that plays nicely with streaming apps like Netflix and Disney+ — no iPad necessary. 

Somehow, the streaming and Bluetooth connectivity aren't the most impressive tech housed in Bowflex's newest baby. Built-in Bowflex JRNY features keep tabs on your progress and vital signs, silently adjusting workouts as you get stronger. A -5% to 15% incline, 3.0 CHP, and 22" by 60" running path provide ample growing space for personal improvements and different users. Your JRNY membership will be free for the first year, too.

Best Under $1,000
Credit: mashable photo composite
  • Motor: 2.75 CHP
  • Incline: 10%
  • Belt size: 20” W x 55” L
  • Display: 7-inch touchscreen
  • On-screen workouts: Over 17,000 live indoor and outdoor workouts with iFit, plus custom maps with Google Maps
  • Shock absorption: yes
  • Warranty: 10 years frame, one year parts and labor

The mid-range sector of the treadmill market is somewhat of a desert. There's a level of comfort that comes with a trusted fitness brand like ProForm, and the free year of iFit Family solidifies the Proform Carbon T7 as the best bang for your buck.

Compared to $500 models, the T7 introduces extras that cultivate the luxury at-home running experience: The seven-inch touchscreen for live on-screen workouts or maps powered by Google Maps far outruns the black and red LCD screens that just show steps and calories. The deck is nice and flexible (albeit small) and can hit a 10% incline and up to 10 mph.

Best Small-space Treadmill
Credit: mashable photo composite
  • Motor: 2.5 CHP
  • Incline: N/A
  • Belt size: 17.75" W x 49" L
  • On-screen workouts: N/A (just tracks speed, calories, distance, time, and steps)
  • Shock absorption: Yes
  • Warranty: Five years frame, 180 days other parts and components (Warranty valid in U.S. only)

Apartment dwellers looking for cardio more stimulating than their fourth-floor walkup should check out the Asuna space-saving treadmill. A perfect addition to your game of Limited Storage Tetris, this Asuna model folds completely in half to slide right under a standard bed frame (Many bulkier "foldable" models can't snap past a V-shape.) Despite a slim frame, it harnesses almost double the horsepower of ProForm's $700 foldable entry.

Four windows display workout progress in terms of distance, time, steps, calories burned, and speed. It's no mini TV like certain more expensive models, but a media port with a tablet stand and built-in speakers offer some consolation.

Best For Motivating Workouts
Credit: Mashable Photo Composite/Peloton
  • Motor: 3 HP DC
  • Incline: 12.5%
  • Belt size: 68” L x 33” W
  • Display: 23.8-inch touchscreen
  • On-screen workouts: Thousands of live and on-demand workouts with a $39/month Peloton all-access membership
  • Shock absorption: Yes
  • Warranty: One year touchscreen and "most original components" plus three years on frame, motor and belt

The Peloton Tread was relaunched in summer 2021 with improved safety features after being recalled due to safety concerns. The new version features a wearable safety key plus a safety lock, which requires a unique four-digit digital pin to unlock the belt (so unauthorized users won't be able to turn on the treadmill).

For anyone invested in the Peloton cinematic universe, the Tread is the way to go. With a Tread and a monthly Peloton membership, you'll get access to a star squad of upbeat, motivating trainers plus thousands of live and on-demand classes to choose from. Basically, you won't find a more fun run than on a Peloton Tread. 

The 23.8-inch touchscreen feels like a real TV and gives you an immersive workout experience, and the incline and speed knobs make for easy in-workout adjustments. The slim, minimal design looks damn good in just about every room, too. 

More in Health

Leah is a shopping reporter at Mashable, where she covers shopping trends, gift ideas, and products that make life easier. She graduated from Penn State University in 2012 and is watching horror movies or "The Office" when she’s not shopping online herself. You can follow her on Twitter at @notleah(opens in a new tab).

Jae Thomas is the Deputy Shopping Editor for Mashable. They specialize in all things outdoor gear, kitchen goods, pet products, and fitness gadgets. Before Jae came to Mashable, they received a B.A. in Journalism and English Literature from New York University and wrote for publications like Bon Appétit, Epicurious, The Daily Beast, Apartment Therapy, and Marie Claire.

When they're not testing products or writing about online shopping, you'll find Jae whipping up an elaborate meal, hiking, camping, or hanging out with their dog, Miso. Reach out to them on Twitter at @jaetaurina(opens in a new tab) or by email at [email protected]

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