Shopping from small businesses is a practice that in theory, pretty much everyone can get behind. In reality though, you may rely more on Amazon Prime than you'd like.
Massive online retailers often promise quick delivery times and ultra-low prices, which contrasts the slower turnarounds and higher prices of a small business's selection of curated goods. Naturally, inflation(opens in a new tab) exacerbates that difference even more.
But the fact remains that "[small businesses] are really, truly what is keeping our economy going," as Edy Massih(opens in a new tab), the owner of Edy's Grocer(opens in a new tab) in Brooklyn, New York, put it.
Why you should support small businesses
Massih isn't exaggerating. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce(opens in a new tab), almost half of America's workforce is employed by the 30 million small businesses in the country. Small businesses pay local taxes that go into the community, bring money into local economies via employee payrolls, and are likely to give back(opens in a new tab) to their local charities.
"We also find...small businesses that are locally owned tend to pay local people better than larger organizations," said Abigail Ingram(opens in a new tab), the executive director of the University of Chicago's Polsky Exchange(opens in a new tab), a startup incubator that supports small business growth.
Small businesses have also created 5.5 million jobs(opens in a new tab) since the economic devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and intend to keep increasing their staffs(opens in a new tab), despite rising concerns about inflation.
To keep these small businesses operating, every single expert we spoke to pointed to one crucial component — capital. While there are multiple ways a business gets capital, as a consumer, you can help businesses get the capital they need by supporting them with your money.
"For entrepreneurs of color, these problems are exacerbated with higher and more expensive barriers to capital and different social capital than their white peers," said Melissa Bradley(opens in a new tab), a founder of platform-cum-accelerator 1863 Ventures designed to help small businesses, in an email to Mashable. This makes it all the more clear why BIPOC-owned businesses are especially important to support.
And then there's the fact that diverse communities deserve diverse businesses to serve them. After all, "Small businesses form the cornerstone of community," said Ingram.
With that in mind, we spoke to small business owners and several experts who work regularly in supporting the growth of small businesses to compile some tips for the best ways you can shop small, all year round.
1. Recognize all the opportunities you have to shop from a small business.
What constitutes a small business(opens in a new tab) can vary from industry to industry, but in basic terms can encompass a business with anywhere from one to 1,500 employees.
In other words, "small business can look a lot of different ways," as Jennifer DaSilva(opens in a new tab), the founder and executive director of the nonprofit Start Small Think Big(opens in a new tab), said. They can look like your local deli, or an artist's Etsy store, but they can also look like a small-batch making creamery(opens in a new tab), professional development services(opens in a new tab), a plus-size apparel company(opens in a new tab), or any given stand at a farmer's market.
With all your options in mind, DaSilva recommends being conscious about the choices you have and the power you wield as a consumer. "Once you start noticing that and being really thoughtful about where you get your stuff and how you make those choices, there are lots of opportunities to participate in that support system," she said.
2. Use the internet for supporting small businesses that aren't local to you, as well as finding ones that are.
We get that advising to "just look it up" sounds borderline sarcastic, but we've got some actual resources for you, including:
Start Small Think Big database(opens in a new tab): A collection of nearly 3,500 small businesses across the U.S.
Black-owned businesses databases: Purchase products online through HellaBlack(opens in a new tab) or find local Black-owned businesses like I Am Black Business(opens in a new tab) or National Black Guide(opens in a new tab).
American Express Shop Small map(opens in a new tab): Input your location to see local stores near you
Independent We Stand(opens in a new tab): Another map searchable by product or service type for businesses in your area
goodbuy(opens in a new tab): This Chrome extension provides product alternatives from small businesses when you're shopping on major retailer's websites in a new tab): Support local bookstores from across the country
Etsy(opens in a new tab): From jewelry to knitting patterns to custom furniture, anything vaguely crafty can be found on Etsy
Amazon Support Small(opens in a new tab): If you're having a hard time leaving Amazon, this page allows you to shop from legit small businesses (but buying directly from the business is always best!)
Newsletters: If you like receiving a curated selection of goods, subscribe to a business's newsletter, or check out Start Small Think Big's #AllforSmall newsletter(opens in a new tab) for product suggestions from a range of businesses.
Instagram and TikTok: Use hashtags like #shopsmall, #supportlocal, or simply #smallbusiness to find businesses of all sorts, or search for specific items.
3. Budget more time for shopping when possible.
It's probably going to take longer for a small business to ship your items. Or, if you're looking for something specific, chances are you'll have to visit more than one store. And that's not a bad thing! Break out of your instant gratification Amazon Prime habit and let the shopping process take more time.
Chances are, you don't need that item asap, and when you actually enjoy the specialized experience that many small businesses offer, you might walk out with something better than what you expected buying in the first place. After all, "small businesses often curate experiences; [they're] not the mall. Take time to ask questions, look around and share what your needs are," said Bradley.
4. You don't have to go all-or-nothing.
Shopping small can cost you more time and money, but supporting small businesses doesn't mean completely overhauling the way you shop, either.
Edy Massih, the owner of Edy's Grocer in Brooklyn New York, recommends starting with your shopping list and a few simple questions: "What can I buy small? Or what can I afford to buy small? What do I want to buy small?" Massih said that while you may not be able to buy eggs from a small farm every time you need to restock, maybe once a month, you make it a point to opt for the pricier option in the name of supporting small business (and getting a higher quality product).
5. Become a regular.
Edy's Grocer(opens in a new tab) received a lot of attention after they opened in August 2020, seeming to be one of the few positive news stories out there at the time. Yet despite appearing in The New Yorker, Forbes, and on the Today show, Massih maintains that customer support remains crucial.
"The press happens and goes," he said. "The biggest reason why we survive is our returning customers."
Even for businesses that don't receive national press, a grand opening or Small Business Saturday might cause a surge in customers that doesn't sustain, which in turn, can lead to a business's closing. Make a point of going back to the places you like, and those businesses will feel your support.
6. Take online reviews with a grain of salt.
Yelp and Google make for decent jumping-off points when finding new places to shop, but don't be so quick to dismiss a place based on a few bad reviews. "We might've had 100 customers in on a Saturday but we served one person wrong," said Massih. "But out of 100 customers, no one wrote us a review but that one bad review."
In other words, the best way to judge a local business is to go try it yourself.
7. Go on a small business crawl.
Edy's Grocer was one of several businesses to participate in Greenpoint, Brooklyn's inaugural "Retail Crawl(opens in a new tab)," which encouraged shoppers to check out a string of owners. The best part? It happens every month, promoting continuous, year-round support.

Even if your local area doesn't offer a small business crawl, you can capture the spirit through your own shopping habits. Choose a weekend, and see how many small businesses you can hit up. You don't have to buy something from each one — knowing that they're there makes the job of finding places to shop in the future much easier.
8. Remember Small Business Saturday isn't the only time that small businesses need support.
Is this a revisit of tip number 5? Yes, but it deserves reiterating!
Jennifer DaSilva said that part of the power of being a consumer is "really recognizing that every single dollar that you spend, can help and/or save a small business."
Only spending your dollars once a year won't keep those small businesses in your local or online community operating, so finding a way to make shopping small sustainable for yourself (like by combining the tips on this list) is key.
9. Tell your friends and family about where you like to shop.
Another near-universal piece of advice we heard in our expert interviews was the power of word of mouth. Whether that be posting your latest purchase on your Instagram story or recommending your favorite mom-and-pop restaurant to people visiting from out of town, your personal recs go a long way.