TL;DR: Through March 31, you can get the Altec Lansing HydraJolt Everything Proof Speaker(opens in a new tab) certified refurbished for just $24.99 — that's 49% off.
Spring is officially here, which means it’s time to bust out your outdoor gear and start enjoying nature again. If you’re planning your first camping trip of the sunny season, don’t forget to bring the music and a speaker(opens in a new tab) that can handle whatever you encounter. The Altec Lansing HydraJolt Everything Proof Speaker makes clear sound wilderness-ready, and you can pick it up for just $24.99 (reg. $69) until March 31 at 11:59 p.m. PT. No coupon code needed.
A speaker you could take mountain climbing
Altec Lansing wasn’t kidding when they called the HydraJolt an everything-proof speaker(opens in a new tab). The IP67(opens in a new tab) construction is completely dustproof, and it claims to even survive up to 30 minutes submerged in water up to one meter deep. Blast your favorite song during a thunderstorm or use the built-in carabiner hook to clip your speaker to a bag and listen to audiobooks while hitting a familiar dusty trail. The HydraJolt even has antimicrobial protection which the manufacturers claim can repel 99.9% of germs, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play some sick tunes from the Dual 1.5" drivers.
On a single charge, you could get up to 16 hours of playtime. Of course, that might go down if you’re listening at max volume or flashing the color-changing LEDs, but the USB-C quick charge means you can get back to a full battery pretty quickly. If your speaker has battery to spare but your phone is running low, you can recharge by connecting to the built-in USB port. There’s even a wireless charging pad for wireless compatible devices. This certified refurbished speaker is designed to work like new.
Save on a speaker for your next outdoor adventure
Whether you’re camping, hiking, or just walking your dog, grab a speaker that can weather the weather wherever you go. For a limited time, get the Altec Lansing HydraJolt Everything Proof Speaker(opens in a new tab) on sale for just $24.99 (reg. $69) through March 31.
Prices subject to change.