More Vine
Zach King breaks down his most iconic illusions — My Biggest Viral Hit
A (viral video) magician reveals his secrets.
By Ray White
Byte is hoping to be the next Vine. But can it overtake TikTok?
New app, who dis?
By Words by Karissa Bell; Video by Marvin Van Buren
Byte is already incredibly popular. But can it overtake TikTok?
Byte has already eclipsed its predecessor by one metric.
By Karissa Bell
Vine cofounder finally releases his next viral video app: Byte
Byte is here to fill the Vine-shaped hole in our hearts.
By Karissa Bell
20 TikTok accounts that will fill the void Vine left in your heart
Nothing will ever replace Vine, but at least TikTok can fill the hole it left behind.
By Morgan Sung
Vine creator announces the name of his new app and it bites... er, it's byte!
The highly anticipated 'v2' finally has a name.
By Matt Binder
How Drew Gooden rebuilt his online identity after Vine died
Road work ahead? I sure hope it does!
By Morgan Sung
This moon blob meme was the only good thing on the Internet this week
This is one giant leap for meme-kind.
YouTuber hilariously breaks down Jake Paul's disaster of a live show
Awkward grinding, hordes of preteens, and terrible rap. It's the real Jake Paul experience.
By Morgan Sung
Development of Vine successor, V2, postponed indefinitely
A looping six-second sigh was heard around the internet.
By Jack Morse
Ar'mon and Trey gave us pointers about ways to be successful
Being Insta famous isn't easy.
By Dymond Green
Vine's been gone for a year, but we still think about these Vines every day
The immortal Vines.
By Chloe Bryan, Martha Tesema, and Laura Vitto
Bored girl made incredibly ornate sticky note doodles of her favorite Vine videos
You know that feeling when you're bored so naturally you draw detailed screenshots from popular Vines on Post-It notes?
Vine creator is working on a 'follow-up to Vine'
Maybe, just maybe, something like the original Vine is coming.
Actress makes 1,000 mini-movies while 'Waiting for Godot' ... and is still waiting
Patience and persistence is rewarded with ... more waiting.
By Josh Dickey
Instagram may soon add a sweet new creative tool
You can finally force your friends to watch you over and over.
By Monica Chin
HQ is the smartphone obsession you never asked for
With the rise of live video, the team at HQ has created a simple game at the right moment.
By Kerry Flynn
Ryan Gosling finally explains why he giggled his way through the Oscars mix-up
"I had this worst case scenario playing out in my head."
By Johnny Lieu